Tips for Creating a Compelling Instagram Story - Social Media Explorer
Tips for Creating a Compelling Instagram Story
Tips for Creating a Compelling Instagram Story

you read these lines, tens of millions of businesses are using Instagram in
order to connect with potential customers online, and if you have already
started your online journey as well, then you should seriously consider doing
the same. 

to The State of Instagram Marketing 2018, 68% of all the businesses questioned
recognized, in particular, that Instagram Stories represent a powerful tool to
generate leads and sales. So, if you want some information about how to market products or services on social platforms (and marketplaces such as, for example), let’s see what you
need to take into account in order to create compelling Instagram stories.   

#1 Use clickable links

of the most common templates used for Instagram stories is to create a short
story and then ask users to do a simple task (for example: swipe up for/to
receive a particular thing). This CTA (Call To Action) is very efficient since
most of the time, the app’s users will do the simple task if they managed to
reach the end of the story.   

It’s a simple finger movement which
will then load your dedicated Instagram page or form and CTA.  

#2 Create tutorials

you do a little bit of research, you’ll notice that Instagram pages like Etsy
are creating tutorial Instagram Stories in order to satisfy their clients’
desire to create certain things. From a psychological point of view, people are
hard-wired to chase instant gratification, to avoid delay. Seizing the
reward at hand is an evolutionary trait, living into the human condition
over thousands of years. That means you can use Instagram stories to
capitalize your audience’s desire to create things seamlessly.   

#3 Go “Beyond the Scenes”

Offering valuable information
about something your audience is interested in is vital in order to gain trust
online. That is why a deeper, more intimate, and authentic look can be a
fascinating experience.

a strategy that offers inside information about your business, how you prepare
products or services, some premium information about their benefits or
advantages, etc. will make your audience feel unique and distinguished. This
method will give your fans a richer and more satisfying experience that they
probably crave.

your stories in an intuitive way that will make your audience understand better
what you want to tell them, without having to write a lot of text, is an art
that you want to master in order to use Instagram for your business
effectively. Try different options, see what works and what doesn’t, and most
importantly, don’t be afraid to use your creativity.   

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About the Author

David van der Ende is a full-time blogger and part-time graphic design enthusiast. He loves to write about a broad range of topics, but his professional background in both legal and finance drives him to write on these two subjects most frequently.

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