Thursday will mark the end of an era in blogging, of sorts. Rob May of will post his last entry there. He has sold the blog to Ryan Caldwell, proprietor of snarky entertainment blog, who has hired what we’re sure he hopes is a suitable replacement for Rob.

May started in 2003 after Glenn Reynolds at ignored his submissions and emails of business articles. Soon, Rob was attracting many a business-thirsty blog reader with his interesting link leads and thoughtful commentary on the business world. One of Louisville’s intellectual elite, Rob quickly established himself as the same in the blogosphere and became Louisville’s first A-list blogger.

While Rob will continue to blog at, it will be less frequently and for different reasons. He talked exclusively with Social Media Explorer about the move late last week.


In an effort of full disclosure, Rob is one of the executive producers of The Daily Idea, a fun, lifehack-style web TV show I co-write, co-direct and occasionally co-star in. While it would technically be accurate to say Rob is my boss on that project, he doesn’t pay me anything other than the promise of stardom and glory should we ever sell it. We’re friends. Rob is also someone who is always willing to share his wisdom and insights with me. He’s given me both ideas and encouragement as a blogger and for that generosity, I’ll always be thankful. He’s not going away, just shifting gears. But I wanted to offer him a tip of the cap this week as his time at winds down.

Thanks, Rob. For all that and more.

[tags]Rob May, BusinessPundit, Business Pundit, blogs, bloggers, blogging, Coconut Headsets, business blogs[/tags]

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By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at

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