Content strategy, Fight Club style - Social Media Explorer
Content strategy, Fight Club style
Content strategy, Fight Club style

The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.

Second rule of Fight Club is you DO NOT talk about Fight Club.

So, for the love of Pete:

The first rule of content marketing is you do not talk solely about yourself.

The second rule of content marketing is you DO NOT talk solely about yourself.

Fight Club is Your BrandIf I could write rule 3, it would go like this:

The third rule of content marketing is to ask yourself what your customer cares about.

If anyone in the room answers “Our Brand!”

Show them Rule 1 & 2

Because your customers spend about 100% less time thinking about your brand than you think they do. #fact.

What happens if you break these rules?

Ignore at your own peril.

Your engagement rates drop like a hammer.

You’ll feel like you’ve been punched in the face.

Your fan count will stagnate.

This stagnation will feel like a kick to the gut.

You fail at content marketing, you get beat up.

By fans.

By leadership.

And trust me, they will look nothing like Brad Pitt shirtless.

You can get up off the mat.

It’s not too late.

It’s possible.

But, you’ll need to get in shape.

You’ll need a steady diet of listening.

Learning what matters.

To her. Or him. Or them.

You’ll listen harder.

Find how what you hear aligns with your brand…

And deliver…


100% of the time.

SME Paid Under

About the Author

Tracey Parsons
Since 1995, Tracey has been developing digital solutions. Currently SME Digital’s lead strategist, she continues to be dedicated to bringing cutting edge, thoughtful and measurable solutions to marketers. With more than 15 years in digital, Tracey not only brings vision, but the tools and strategies to execute against complex next generation concepts. She has worked with some of the world’s most recognized brands to develop and devise cutting-edge social, mobile and digital marketing practices.

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