3 Native Advertising Examples and Why They Worked - Social Media Explorer
3 Native Advertising Examples and Why They Worked
3 Native Advertising Examples and Why They Worked

Native advertising, over the years, has proved successful with multiple testimonies as to why exactly it worked. 

Native advertising is seen in almost every media format which includes search engine result pages, social media, even traditional and digital print publications. 

This form of advertisement makes use of native ads that have been designed to blend in and match the entire format of the host site. 

It’s usually designed and delivered to the user in the form of content and works to not disrupt activities but remain subtle throughout the user’s stay. 

Continue reading to see three of the best examples of native advertising

  What Makes an Effective Native Ad?

Native ads when done properly are more likely to get engagements from the site visitors. 

Individuals are always wary of the traditional themed ads, making them shy away from the site. 

For a native ad to remain effective, there are rules to the game. Below are factors that make a successful and effective native ad. 

  • Platform 

The very first factor that makes for an effective native ad is its platform. 

You want to make sure that you pick a platform that works best for the firm or company. 

A platform that doesn’t drive visitors away but keeps them on your site for as long as possible. 

There are a ton of platforms to choose from but you want to select one that delivers the content best suited for your site. 

  •  Original Content

If your site includes content directly lifted from another site, it’ll not bring in a massive flow of traffic. 

Original content is one important factor that makes for an effective native ad. 

For an ad campaign to be a successful one, the quality of the content and how engaging it is, is very important. 

  • Relevant to Target audience

To record success for your native ad campaign, you need to fix content that is relevant to your target audience.

When creating a native ad for your site, the audience should be one of the top priority on your mind. 

Recording success largely depends on how relevant the content delivered is to your audience. Only the right content gets engagement from its audience. 

3 Native Ad examples and why they were successful!

A ton of native ads are available on various sites but only a few are counted among the successful ones. 

These three (3) are some of the few: 

  1. Netflix and Spotify 

This example is one of the most successful native ads in history! 

Netflix partnered with Spotify to create an unusual playlist for the thousands of “Stranger Things” fans.

This particular partnership is an excellent example of pure creative thinking. 

This idea places massive focus on its clients by giving them the unbeatable pleasure of being able to connect to individual characters of their choice through music. 

Why did it work?

This partnership successfully won the hearts of thousands of individuals because the fans were made to feel connected to the characters. 

  1. The New York Times and Allbirds 

A great example of a successful native ad is sponsored posts of The New York Times by the shoe company, Allbirds. 

When the user clicks on an article from The NYT, they’re taken to an eye-catching site with interesting graphics and the perfect sound effects to go with it. 

The article in question places focuses on how valuable birds are to our environment and how they’re endangered due to climate change. 

This in turn takes the user’s attention to the shoe company, Allbirds as the keyword “bird” is found in their name. 

Why did it work?

This particular alignment paid close attention to climate change, which is a very important topic in most parts of the world.

  1. Home Depot and Apartment Therapy

One of the most successful native ads to ever grace the screen, Home depot’s partnership with Apartment Therapy is one other company should take note of. 

The average individual’s phone is clouded with messages from various brands and only the ones that stand out are luckily enough to be visited. 

This is exactly what Home deport did with their partnership. 

They put up a very catchy headline, “Spring Reboot”, waited for users to tap, and they did. 

The term “Spring Reboot” is unusual unlike the frequently used term “Spring cleaning”.

Why did it work?

They partnered with Apartment Therapy to create very innovative ads that are interactive and draw out more favourable responses from the audience. 


To achieve a successful native ad campaign, you need to put your target audience into consideration. 

This is one sure way to keep them entertained for a long time. 

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About the Author

Adam is an owner at Nanohydr8. He really loves comedy and satire, and the written word in general.

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