INFOGRAPHIC: Will we see an influx of remote work when social distancing is lifted? - Social Media Explorer
INFOGRAPHIC: Will we see an influx of remote work when social distancing is lifted?
INFOGRAPHIC: Will we see an influx of remote work when social distancing is lifted?

Virtually chatting with many former office-only employees, there’s been an interesting anecdotal trend in comments, “I’m actually happier at work now.” Probing a bit more it tends to come back to a toxic office environment. From inept leadership to simply co-workers who don’t get a long there are many “office-only” reasons that reduce job satisfaction.

We are in an unfortunate time that is forcing us to innovate and experiment. Exactly how much time in an office setting is needed by workers where an office isn’t essential?

Burnout and chronic stress run rampant in traditional office settings due to ever-increasing goals and profit demands. It’s can be a rare sight to see leaders actually walk the talk and hiring based on culture (although it does happen).

Remote and WFH setups may actually eliminate some of the key causes for chronic stress and burn out. Online PhD Degrees recently created an infographic on the top reasons attributed to these things and the top three may be impacted by our social distancing careers.

  • 64% Frustrated at work
  • 44% High pressure environment
  • 30% Unrealistic expectations

Our communication and leadership abilities will only be amplified during this time, leaving little room to “blame” or hide behind incompetency.

Expectations will have to change simply because of the economy.

We are in a time of change and that includes the way founders and CEOs lead their companies and change their corporate cultures.

Burnout and Chronic Stress

SME Paid Under

About the Author

Sarah Evans

VIP Explorer’s Club

