Last month I shared some meager website analytics and other influence factors for Social Media Explorer that resulted from the real, live networking opportunity presented at SMX Social Media in New York. My post illustrated the importance of doing the ole’ grip-and-grin and how actual networking is more effective than social networking (which I’m defining as online networking) at building a blog’s success.
My November was highlighted by a fantastic experience networking at Blog World Expo in Las Vegas. There, I was able to network with a wider cadre of bloggers and influencers from around the social media space, talk about my blog and connect with several people I’ve admired and followed over the last few years. The metrics of that networking opportunity again show a considerable jump in the Influence Scorecard for Social Media Explorer.
The three columns in the chart show some notable statistics for SME for the six weeks prior to SMX Social Media, the three weeks after and the month of November. Some outside factors to consider for the rise in interest in Social Media Explorer in the last month was our involvement in the Beam Baja Twitter Tracker, which gained some recognition around the blogosphere and pointed a number of new folks to the sites. However, much of my pitching and promoting of that effort was done with those attending BWE in Vegas.
Certainly, a 50-point jump in Technorati authority in one month is something of which I can be proud. Most of the numbers went up except for unique visitors. (I re-did that line from “visitors” reported last month for no other reason than I just wanted to.) This can be attributed to a spike in October after I blogged about the SMX Social Media crowd talking about how to dupe Digg.
My argument for actual networking being a better blog promotion tool will likely be tested in the December statistics. While I will continue to attempt to provide strong content, consistently and network online as I do daily, my plans for the rest of the year will not include a concentration of networking opportunities afforded by gatherings such as a conference. In other words, my numbers will likely take a hit.
My plan is to offer this up as a case study periodically so we can jointly monitor Social Media Explorer’s Influence Scorecard. Should I be monitoring other factors of influence? Are there different measureable web analytics available to me (I use Google) I should include on this chart? What is on your influence scorecard and how are you doing?
For more thoughts on web analytics, I highly recommend Avinash Kaushik’s web analytics blog, “Occam’s Razor” found online at
[tags]analytics, web analytics, web stats, metrics, measurement, networking, social networking[/tags]
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